[orca-list] Bootcamp and Linux?

I posted this also to the Mac Visionaries list, so sorry for the cross-post, but figured someone here could help.

I'm pretty sure the short answer to this question will be technically?... yes... The long answer will probably be, yes, and no.

Technically speaking, Bootcamp on the mac, is made for either Windows Vista, or Windows 7. Is there a way however that I could set up a bootcamp partition on my mac book, then install UBuntu, Vinux, or F123 Linux? preferably either the last two of the three.

I know I could do this in VMWare Fusion, ok, fine, that's fair, but that's not exactly what I'm wanting to do for various reasons. For another thing, being I'm an audio engineer, I want to keep my mac partition free of pretty much anything non audio related for my studio workflow, and keep my Linux stuff totally seperet.



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