[orca-list] alt+tab not speaking in Trisquel 5.5 Beta, built 08-March


development daily build iso files are here: http://devel.trisquel.info/makeiso/iso/

When I run this from a thumb drive, on my Asus netbook, I notice that orca does not speak when I use 'alt+tab' to switch applications. Application switching does happen, but user won't hear the name of the app that will get focused until the keys are released. The distro uses Gnome and Orca 3.2.1, and is configured such that accessibility is fully enabled at startup, with no user action required. It has Gnome set up in fallback mode, and uses metacity as the window manager. In my experimentation with Ubuntu 11.10 (also using gnome and orca 3.2.1) I do get spoken feedback from 'alt+tab' when gnome is in fallback mode.

Is there something about the way Trisquel has gnome and/or metacity set up, that is interfering with orca's ability to notice the 'alt+tab' event? Maybe this is something specific to my machine and trisquel's metacity setup?

I'd like to help Trisquel improve the accessibility of their distro, and encourage members of this, and other accessibility-related forums, to give this Beta a look. Let's give Trisquel as much feedback as we can.



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