[orca-list] no audio output on menus in ubuntu 12.04 beta1

Hello all,
I just tryed Ubuntu 12.04 precise.
I booted the machine started Orca.
But as soon as I press f10 key for menu, I just hear the top level menus and nothing else when I press the down arrow. same case is with the side menu which one gets with the super (windows ) key.

What could be the problem?
Further more, can some one tell me if Heads up display is accessible?
Infact I really wish to know how it can be used, as I am still unclear how it actually works.

Further, can some one update me if we are going to have any performance benefits with Orca on Unity desktop in 12.04? Should I first get used to 11.10 (which is I guess stable by now ) before jumping into 12.04?
Happy hacking.

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