Re: [orca-list] Can we stop the JAWS bashing? [was "Re: Some bugs with perhaps possible fixing in master branch"]

On 06/05/2012 06:09 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
I suspect this won't be a very popular post, but I think all of this
JAWS bashing is unfair and unnecessary. Maybe you didn't like
ResearchIt, but others did. It's also untrue that FS hasn't done
anything with JAWS in years. Let's see, there's been support for 64-bit
Windows, support for Office 2007 and Office 2010 including virtual
ribbons, iTunes support, inclusion of the RealSpeak Solo voices, built
in OCR functionality and others I can't think of since it's been so long
since I've used JAWS.

Seems they did good work, but just like all other closed software, 90% of features are implemented which don't get used by even 10% users. As some one on this list rightly posted, the reason to introduce new features is not always for user benefit, but many times to make it appear like a must have new version. Any ways, bashing or not bashing, we must stick to what best we can do and decided on the basis of what most users want and the priority level. Else I guess all software developers FS included are sporting enough to be criticized. Some light hearted ranting with a wink is no harm done.
This is what satire means.
Happy hacking.

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