Re: [orca-list] MATE

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL <texou actux eu org> wrote:
Would someone help me in my test? I know gnome-fallback would be a
solution, but as in Debian we have bugs with it for any reason, I'd like
to ensure its stability with MATE waiting for better days, given I
cannot contribute programming.
I'm not trying to discourage you, but since it isn't packaged for Debian I
think you'll find installing it to be a challenge. I think MATE (essentially a
fork of Gnome 2) is a dead end so far as development is concerned - most of
the action is in Gnome 3, Unity, XFCE 4.10, etc.

I'm running Gnome 3.4 under Debian and while it has its annoyances, it's
basically usable for the task that matters - invoking applications.

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