Re: [orca-list] FW: the speakupmodified dists from

Isn't Xemacs discontinued? I haven't seen a new version of it in years. It's stuck at like version 21 or something. What widget library does it use? I don't think it's gtk+. It's probably not accessible with Orca. Do you know if it is? IMHO, if you are going to use Emacs, Gnu Emacs is the way to go and Emacspeak is really the best way to use it while blind. Having said that, I still maintain that it will never catch on to be anything more than a package for a small portion of the blind Linux user community as Emacs proper is the editor of choice for a small devoted user base in mostly the *nix community. It has had more than thirty years to take the world by storm and never has and never will. That's ok. Different strokes for different folks. But, because of this sort of niche user group, it won't ever take the place of things like Libre Office or Gedit on popular Linux distributions as the default editor/word processor. Any distro that does it will see a sharp decline in new users, I think.

Alex M

On 7/9/2012 5:38 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
That's why I suggested xemacs rather than emacs.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Windows
Pants: made entirely of patches on patches each with a picture of a
Microsoft Vacuum Cleaner; a computer mouse, or a dollar sign.

Jude <jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net>

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