Re: [orca-list] Orca Modifier Key does not only orca modify

Chris <chrys87 web de> wrote:
>> I have the problem that if i press the orca modifier (on my laptop
>> capslock, on my pc insert), capslock on my laptop will activate. On my
>> pc sometimes it change insert/overwrite.
>> Orca does what it should. The shortcut works, but i dont want do
>> deactivate capslock everytime i used an orca shortcut. Is this a known
>> Problem? Is there an workarround?
>I think there were changes made in AT-SPI (possibly in Orca as well) which
>were supposed to fix this. If I remember rightly, these were integrated prior
>to the 3.4 releases of both Orca and AT-SPI 2.
>Which version are you running?
I Use the Latest gnome 3.4.2 with its offical orca version (i am at the moment not on my pc, so i cant look)

I reconize that the Problem seems to be with some other keys to. So it will print sometimes a - on KeyPadSub and so on.

thats realy anoing :/ to me.

>If it's still a bug then it needs to be reported and fixed.


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