Re: [orca-list] caps lock bug 11.10

Hey Dave.

On Wed, 2012-01-18 at 18:01 -0500, Dave Hunt wrote:
Orca 3.3.4 is not Master; it's the latest stable sources.

Actually.... Whenever the middle number is odd, it's unstable. So Orca
3.0.x, 3.2.x, etc. are stable. Orca 3.1.x, 3.3.x are unstable. Unstable
builds come from master. Thus 3.3.4 is the most recent release made in
the unstable branch. Because I just did the release a few days ago,
3.3.4 is essentially master.

In general, my personal rules for master are:
1. Keep master as stable as possible even though it's unstable.
2. When rule number 1 is not possible, try to do the most unstable stuff
   immediately after a release (e.g. 3.3.3) and fix breakage before the
   next release (e.g. 3.3.4). That way, Orca unstable in theory is
   stable-ish in practice.

Hope this helps. Take care.

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