[orca-list] voxin pronunciation dictionaries?

hi all
I just started using voxin as my main synth with orca. I've have a couple of questions one of which is related to orca and one which isn't. Well they both are, but one is a part of orca and one isn't. I know how to change voxin's pronunciations using it's phonetic codes, but there's usually a specified file you have to put them into. It's usually main.dic or root.dic and so on. But creating these files don't seem to do anything, so I tried orca's pronunciation dialogue. This seemed to have no affect either. Does orca's pronunciation dialogue work with any synth or specificly espeak? I ask only because if I try the same thing in espeak it works, but it doesn't work with voxin. that's my orca related question. The other one is, does anyone on this list have any idea what the voxin dictionary file is called and where to put it? Sorry for the long email, but I read a lot of fantasy books and voxin mangles some of the names, grins.
kendell clark

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