Re: [orca-list] Proposal: Remove the emacspeak suppport

Probably after some tinkering with Speech Dispatcher this can be done.
Certainly one can write Speech Dispatcher modules for all relevant
synthesizers. But, if you have Emacspeak speech server installed and
adjusted for your liking, it's convenient to use it with Orca too. There
may be also some issues with Speech Dispatcher. (I am not very familiar
with it so not in a position to compare.) In past I observed a number of
messages on various mailing lists about mysterious crashes in Speech
Dispatcher. Have this problems been fixed?

Joanmarie Diggs:

JD> Could they do so with speech-dispatcher instead?

JD> --joanie

JD> On Thu, 2012-01-05 at 21:14 +0600, Dmitri Paduchikh wrote:

Some people use Emacspeak interface with software synthesizers. Here is
the speech server:


Although the author, Michael Pozhidaev, is currently working on D-Bus
based interface to his server, AFAIK.

Dmitri Paduchikh

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