Re: [orca-list] Measures to reduce Orca and Gnome crashes

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll definitely give Trisquel a try as
Cononical hasn't impressed me with the switch to Unity, and what I'd
like is a Ubuntu-like distribution that picks up where 10 left off,
and continues to support Gnome as it probably still is the most
accessible desktop at the moment.


On 12/31/11, Dave Hunt <ka1cey gmail com> wrote:
Crying about Canonical's decisions is a bit off-topic for the Orca list,
I'd think, but, suggesting people take a look at a Linux distro may not
be:  Have a look at Trisquel  It's a fully
GNU-complient distribution, based on Ubuntu 11.04, with Unity removed.
The I18N DVD edition has Orca enabled, out of the box, with no weird
keystroke sequence needed to start it.  Just boot the live dvd, and it
will start talking.  The new Trisquel will probably use Gnome 3, but not


Dave  Hunt

On Fri, 30 Dec 2011, Thomas Ward wrote:


Yeah, I know, but that's not quite what I meant. Yeah, I can roll my
own distribution, but not with the Ubuntu name on it. If I  were to do
that I'd like to call it Gnomebuntu or Gubuntu or something like that
to be a specific Ubuntu distro. However, this is all beside the point
I don't want to roll my own distribution. I'd like the folks over at
Cononical to get this Unity crap off my Linux desktop without forcing
me to uninstall it and put Gnome on here. Grrrr.....

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