Re: [orca-list] at-spi and at-spi2 and arch linux

So does this mean Orca doesn't use brltty as a dependency anymore or
what? It obviously uses at-spi2 for other purposes.

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 09:55:24AM +0100, Alejandro Leiva wrote:

Brltty added at-spi2 support for the screen driver from BRLTTY 4.2 release.

Anyway, orca don't use it because orca implements its own braille monitor.

in example, the ubuntu 11.04 dependency list of brltty package
didn't use that dependency.

  Depends: libbrlapi0.5
  Depends: libc6
  Depends: libgpm2
  Depends: libicu44
  Depends: libncursesw5
  Depends: libtinfo5
  Depends: initramfs-tools
  Depends: lsb-base
  Suggests: brltty-speechd
  Suggests: brltty-x11
  Suggests: console-braille
  Breaks: udev
  Replaces: <libbrlapi1>

Best Regards,

El 16/02/12 02:23, Steve Holmes escribió:
I don't know why the older at-spi is still being used.  I see that
several packages still depend on it and that causes us to have to keep
things like gconf, bonobo, and other pre-gonome3 stuff.  Actually,
brltty is built with a depends on at-spi where Orca depends on
at-spi2-atk and orca-git depends on at-spi2-core.  I probably need to
change the orca-git PKGBUILD in AUR.  Python dependencies are a real
pain to set correctly.  I haven't been having any problems with Orca
but then I don't have a braille display so I may be missing out of the

I think brltty should be built to use at-spi2 instead of the older
one.  not sure if brltty can handle a change like that.

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:35:54AM +0100, timothyhobbs seznam cz wrote:
I'm looking for certain individuals who commented on this problem in the past:  Michael 
Whapples(mwhapples), Trevor Saunders, Mike Gorse

Recently, I found that on a vanila arch install, at-spi will not start when at-spi2 is running.  It seems 
that at-spi and at-spi2 on arch do not play nice.  An arch package maintainer changed the dependencies 
and made brltty compile with at-spi2 rather than at-spi.  Apparently this borked things, as was posted 
just last night on this mailing list.  I really don't understand the larger part of this issue.  However, 
I would like to direct knowledgeable people to:

As I said.  I myself don't understand what arch is supposed to do in order to fix this issue and make 
things work out of the box like they do(do they?) on other systems.

Thank you,
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Alejandro Leiva
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