Hi there! I’ll keep this brief. Firstly, I am a long time Jaws and Focus 80 user so I know just exactly where your friend is coming from. Also, you are on the right track but need some tweaks. 1. Get rid of RHEL if you can. The accessibility stack on there is old and doesn’t have all the improvements you can find in the newer stuff. Orca is developed on a Fedora installation so, you can use that. Debian Wheezy and Ubuntu 12.04 are also great. 2. Ditch xterm. It’s not accessible. Use Gnome-terminal instead. 3. Dependency hell got you. Reason he doesn’t have braile output in x is probably due to dependency problems. Probably missing brltty-x11 packages and the liblouis libraries or something like that. Another thing to check is to make sure Orca has the braille output enabled. Run the orca –t configuration script and make sure you enable braille. 4. If you just have to have to have to use RHEL, look into installing Orca 3.2-xdesktop from sources since you’ll get some improvement over the one in Gnome 2.28 and it uses the old accessibility stack with Corba. You can get your hands on it from live.gnome.org. I’m sure there’s much more I could say but this should get you started. Oh and as Jose mentioned, Eclipse IDE is fully accessible with Orca. One last thing, if you ever want him using SSH to log onto a Linux box from a Windows machine with PuTTY or something like that, install the open source screen reader NVDA from http://www.nvda-project.org. Jaws doesn’t handle terminal windows very well but NVDA works nicely on them. HTH, Alex M 5. From: orca-list-bounces gnome org [mailto:orca-list-bounces gnome org] On Behalf Of Knaapen, Wim Hello All, I have a question regarding the use of a Braille device in the combination with an xterm sessions of eclipe. The situation is as follows: A colleague of mine is blind and depends on a freedomscientific focus 80 Braille device. He works normally with windows and that works reasonable. But for a new application he needs to use eclipse on a Linux box. First we tried to simply use exceed on his PC. Visually that works, he gets the screen, but Jaws (his screen reader package) only reports a blank screen, no information on what is on the screen. We were told that it should work better if you use a Linux (gnome) desktop. So we installed Linux (RHEL 6) and activated Orca to see if that would work. But now I’m running into several problems. First of all, the Braille device doesn’t work in graphical mode (the Orca Braille monitor shows the correct data, but the device doesn’t). If I start the Linux box in non-graphical mode the Braille device works and shows the correct information. But as I explained we need the graphical interface. Next problem I have is when I display an xterm session on the Linux box Orca doesn’t show any information from inside the xterminal (the Braille monitor stays blank). The big question is, does the combination xterm – Braille device work at all? Has anybody such a combination running? And the next question would be, how did they get it to work. If you need more information, just ask … PS I use brltty as Braille device driver.