[orca-list] A possible little offtopic question with Firefox downloads list related


If I downloading a large file, in Downloads list Firefox not updating real the downloads percentage and download remaining time? If I using Orca, I seeing similar problem, but I not sure visual real not updated the downloads list with Firefox?

For example now I downloading testing purpose with final Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit ISO file. The window title showing the download percentage is 76%, but if I moving the downloads list the ISO file, I hear Orca with following values:
Download percentage: 1%.
Remaining time: 17 minute.
Downloaded size: 3,9 MB, full size is 661 MB, downloading bandwidth is 664KB/sec.
A sighted user possible trying following test without Orca?
1. Launch Firefox.
2. Begin downloading following file:
3. Updating ciclical the downloads list with Ubuntu ISO file related values?


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