Re: [orca-list] orca character and word echo does not work in gnome-terminal

Alpine works best in Speakup.  One thing you might try in terminal
though is to go into the configuration settings and make sure your
cursor is visible.  It takes some time to get to the right setting as
there are many many customizations and the interface is quite
primitive so, it's all on one page and not in pages of a dialog
organized by category.  It is fairly straightforward, however and I'm
sure you can find it after some time tinkering.  Honestly, though, you
really want to look into using alpine with Speakup.  It's my personal
favorite Linux-based e-mail client and I've used it for years and
years since it was called Pine when I was in college on an Ultrix
machine back in the 90's.  It's super reliable and easy to use.  If
you want it to shine, though, you have to use it in consle mode and
that means Speakup.

alex M

On 4/12/12, krishnakant Mane <krmane gmail com> wrote:
another quick bug.
I have been trying to use alpine as my email client these days.
While composing an email I notice that unless a . or , is typed, I
don't here any thing that I type.
Meaning word echo or char echo does not work in terminal.
could any one confirm this?
or is it alpine specific problem?
Happy hacking.
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