Re: [orca-list] another bug with Thunderbird, Word echo does not work


Krishnakant, I confirm, but only the message body area in the reply or compose new mail dialog.
For example in subject field the echo by word possibility is working right.
I reported this issue and attached debug file in Bugzilla:

Trevor, I not remember a thing:
In Thunderbird compose new mail or repply dialog message body area Orca doesn't present the actual line when typing is happening, but for example if happening text scrolling the keyboard or I use braille display scroll buttons, the text right presenting braille too.
Reproducation steps:
1. Press CTRL+N keystroke.
2. Press TAB key until you not hear land the message body area after the subject field. 3. Begin typing, you will be not see any characters the braille display until Thunderbird not wordwrap a line. But if you press for example an Up or Down arrow key, you will be see actual line. So, Orca braille module I think doesn't follow text change events when typing happening.
Hopefuly this error only have my system.
If not, this is a known bug in Thunderbird and already reported with Mozilla developers, or need reporting this bug with Orca related in Bugzilla?


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