Re: [orca-list] gnome mplayer

Yes, gnome-mplayer is cool.  the UI is funky but basically, just use
the typical console based mplayer commands while inside the program
and the stuff should work OK.  I have usually used flat review to see
what the current track and time remaining and stuff like that.  Also,
I find that while gnome-mplayer has focus, the title bar can't be read
by Orca but you can alt tab away and everything else works as it
should.  Funky perhaps, but it does work and that is one program I can
play all media types in gnome and be able to even seek within a given


On 9/29/11, Deedra Waters <deedra the-brannons com> wrote:
Does anyone know if this works under orca? I've got it installed, can't
figure out how to activate any of the buttons etc though.
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