Re: [orca-list] Wiki Edits

For dependencies, That is basically automatic with the package manager
just like apt-get and aptitude do for Debian based distros.  So I
wouldn't see a particular reason for keeping a current list of
depened.  Well, for git building, I suppose that wouldn't be a bad
idea but there is an orca-git package in AUR which covers most
attempts to build orca from git.  Right now, those dependencies are
changing rapidly and would be hard to keep up with.  Even right now, I
can't build Orca from git without having to pull versions of git3 and
possibly others with versions later than current Arch stable.  So
let's wait for this to settle down first then I can go in and update
what I can for Arch users.

On Fri, Sep 09, 2011 at 08:48:59PM -0400, Storm Dragon wrote:
I am currently working on the download and Installation page. I have
updated the instructions for using the xdesktop branch for gnome2 users.
I have also made some minor changes to update the wording. For example,
it used to say you may want to try the latest code so you can have
support for Firefox 3.0. this was big news and exciting back in 2007. I
changed it to the latest code for Firefox (no version) and for
alternative web browsers. I added that bit in because epiphany is
starting to work and if I remember right someone said Google Chrome is
coming soon too.
I also removed all links to and mension of Open Solaris. Open Indiana
instructions have a place holder for when the actual instructions can be
I would still like Arch instructions for building from git. I think just
a list of packages necessary to compile would do because most of the
instructions would be the same. Too bad there's no pacman equivilant to
apt-get build-dep.
the one part I need a lot of help with is the Installing the Latest
AT-SPI Infrastructure (atk and at-spi) section. The last time I tried to
follow those instruction it caused me to have to reinstall my system. I
don't know enough about the current situation to update the info myself.
I am almost wondering if that shouldn't be a page of its own that is
linked to from the building Orca page. Anyway, the page with all the
changes I have made is at:
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