[orca-list] Vinux featured on ViewPoints

The Vinux project was recently featured on the ViewPoints radio show / podcast.


ViewPoints is a weekly, half hour show that focuses on a wide range of topics of interest to people with low vision.  Previous topics have included free screen readers, advanced features of JAWS, music performance and production, tips on vacationing and exercising, etc.


You can learn more about ViewPoints as well as find links to the podcast, archived show and show notes, and more at the URL:




The episode which features Vinux is show #1136:


ViewPoints 1136 9-7-2011 Vinux - accessible operating system
Show Notes
Hosts Peter Torpey and Nancy Goodman Torpey devote this entire show to Vinux, a fully accessible and easy to use computer operating system. Besides describing how it works, they interview two of its creators and explain how you can get involved in follow-on improvements, updates and upgrades.


We would also like to do a show on the Orca screen reader in the next few months.  If Joanie or any of the other developers would like to be interviewed via Skype for the show, write me off list and we'll see what we can arrange.


Please pass along information about ViewPoints to others who you feel might be interested in the show.




Check out ViewPoints

A weekly, half hour radio program for people living with low vision

Find out more about the show and links to the podcasts at:


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       contact ViewPointsPlus net




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