[orca-list] Still issues with Orca

Hi all,
Well, I still have problems with Orca. I have now upgraded to the latest git build of Orca, v3.3.1 pre, but 
the problems are still there.
I am still not able to open up the Orca preferences dialog and I get no speech, although I now have speech 
during the accessibility setup. However, when orca says that accessibility support for Gnome has now been 
enabled and you need to log out and log back in for the changes to take effect and I press y for yes, nothing 
seems to happen.
I think that this has been discussed, but from my experience from earlier versions I could simply reboot the 
system, so I did so. But now, I am having these issues, no speech and not able to open up the Orca 
preferences dialog, but the braille is working.
So, any tips?
Could that logout thing be the case anyway?
Many thanks for any help,

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