[orca-list] Unable to use Firefox 7 or 8

I'm wondering whether it's just me, just my distro, or whether others
are seeing similar issues.

I have a fully updated install of Fedora 16. Initially, F16 installed
Firefox 7. In the past few days this upgrades to Firefox 8. I should add
that these are all 64-bit.

I cannot access page contents in any way with either Orca-3.2.1 or the
recent Orca-3.3.2. Nothing talks.

Is it me? Is it my distro? Thanks in advance for responding with your

PS: Epiphany-3.2.1 is working marginally better. It's toolbars and link
text are accessible and speaking correctly, but none of the page text
itself is accessible.



Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.443.300.2200
                sip:janina asterisk rednote net

Chair, Open Accessibility       janina a11y org 
Linux Foundation                http://a11y.org

Chair, Protocols & Formats
Web Accessibility Initiative    http://www.w3.org/wai/pf
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

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