Re: [orca-list] Problem with webkit and

The only code difference I see between the bad links and the "My
Foundation" link is, the other links have a nonbreaking space between
the image tag and the opening div. My Foundation doesn't have that
for some reason.

Contribute and Report a bug are the same as the above list except
there are no display: none divs. It's just an anchor with an image
(with alt text) and plain anchor text inside. So the difference there
really is that anchor text is not getting display: none. Instead of
the images replacing the text, they are bullets next to the text.

Right before the list with Plugins and Contribute is a link with
no anchor text, only alt text: "Download Eclipse".

Right before that is a list of three links with no link text and no
alt text. The image names are like slide1, slide2 and slide5.jpg.


On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 12:13:54PM +0000, Michael Whapples wrote:
Just tried it, doesn't seem to behave differently. However I have  
noticed some other stuff relating to this.

Certain specific links actually do seem to read OK, eg. the "My  
foundation" link. However this link text is not Brailled. One difference  
in the Brailling is that the underline normally goes for two cells but  
when the text is spoken it is only one. This implies orca is seeing  
something different.

Further down there are some links like "Contribute" and "Report a bug".  
If cursoring down these are spoken (cannot quite remember about Braille,  
think not, I think Braille read listitem). Should I tab through these  
elements then Braille is fine but speech does not speak the text.

Also thanks for the info on SRW, may take a look.

Michael Whapples

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