[orca-list] Open Indiana, anyone?


I was playing with one of these development builds, and had a nice, accessible live dvd session. A few questions, however.

If I were to install this onto my netbook's hard drive, would I be able to save Orca settings? In the live session, I could not get my laptop layout and key echo settings to persist. My rate seemed to do so, however. The wireless connection list is more accessible than any other *nix wifi connection manager I've yet used. Not only does it indicate the names of nearby networks, but, shows their speed, and whether the network is locked, and by which encryption setup. Rather than connecting right away, I was exploring the rest of the environment. When I was ready to try a wifi session, I could no longer get back to the network list. Any suggestions? Finally, I noticed a periodic strange warning about not being able to grab my mouse-- maybe a malicious app is trying to grab it? Should I concern my self with this as I give OI a spin?

Best Regards,
Dave Hunt
Voice chat on sip:wx1g ekiga net
Mobile:  617 319 4491

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