[orca-list] gnome3 post-upgrade questions

I managed to upgrade my archlinux system to gnome3 with orca.  Everything's still speaking, but I have a couple of questions.

First, when pacman was installing pulseaudio, I noticed a message suggesting disabling the snd-pcm-oss module.  Is there any major trade-off one way or
another?  I went ahead and added "!snd-pcm-oss" to my MODULES section of rc.conf.  I don't actually know what this module does, could I expect any major
performence/usability problems in the future because of this?

Second, I'm still using the default gnome-speech.  If I followed the string of messages last month correctly, plans are to eventually depricate
gnome-speech.  Should I be looking into my alternatives?  Is my main option speech-dispatcher?  if so, can anyone point me towards a good primer for
getting started with s-d?


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