[orca-list] gnome3, Orca, and Arch


I think I followeed Halim's instructions correctly in creating a default.pa file in the .pulse directory within my user directory. I also commented out the lines in /etc/asound.conf, as Michael suggested. Now, when I use the startx command, Orca still doesn't talk. If I do alt-f2 and type "orca" (without the quotes, of course), I hear "welcome to orca" and nothing else. Once and only once, when I used alt-ctrl-backspace to get back to the text console, orca said "goodbye."

I believe the experience with orca is similar to that described in an earlier message. In my case, however, I did not lose sound. While in the gui, I was able to listen to an old-time radio show. Also, after returning to the text console a few minutes ago, I found I could still get software speech by way of "espeak hello". At this point, therefore, it seems that orca's the only thing I can't use.

In case clarifying is needed, I use speakup via the TripleTalk LT.

I didn't see quite this problem in reviewing earlier messages on this topic, but is there a fix or part of a fix I've missed?



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