[orca-list] Synthesizer volume through speech-dispatcher much louder with orca than rest of SD.

Hi all,

Normally, I can adjust the volume for espeak through speech-dispatcher from /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf with the DefaultVolume parameter. This doesn't have any effect on Orca. I have the setting in Orca preferences set to zero and the synth is still too loud. The control in orca does change the volume, but I can't get it down far enough. FWIW, I also notice that I'm no longer seeing the decimal point and the number after it on the controls for volume, pitch and rate. When I move the arrows, I here 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 and so on with out the tenths that I used to hear. I'm running orca 2.32.0. I hope this is enough info.


          Bill in Denver

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