Re: [orca-list] Thunderbird Address Book and Exporting

Infact I find that thunderbird 3.1 * is not very accessible.
Can some one tell me what version of Orca can work with it?
happy hacking.

On 28/12/10 00:31, Steve Holmes wrote:
No joy here. When I do a shift-control Tab, I get the exact same behavior I get when doing shift tab. First press focuses the Save button; second press focuses the Cancel button; third press focuses the Browse directories button. I'm beginning to wonder if the file types option even shows up visually on my export dialog. <sigh> It's there for import. Yes, I am running 3.1.7 Lanakai of Thunderbird.
On 12/27/2010 06:56 AM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi all,
Using thunderbird 3.1.7 I found the file types combo box.
In the name field Try to press ctrl+shift+tab three times.
It is before the cancel button.

On 12/27/2010 11:14 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
No, I think the Linux export dialog is broken!!!

All documentation on Google searches indicates that one is supposed to
be able to choose the file types in the export dialog as well.  But
when I use flat review, I see nothing and I can't tab to anything.
It's almost like there is no option there at all but everybody claims
there is a way.  I began to question my local setup, though I can't
see why that would be the case.  If that were to be  a hard defalt of
ldif format and nothing else, I would find that to be most
unacceptable.  This ldif format is the last thing I would want.  It's
a lot easier to parse a comma or tab delimitted file.  I don't know
squat about LDAP or it's sub set, LDIF.

That's why I opened the bug but with them going off on beta4 or
whatever it is, they will probably abbandon any further changes to the
current production version even though I think this a serious bug!

On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 09:12:21AM -0500, Peter Tesar wrote:
Hello Steve,

There are some discrepancies between the Windows and Linux versions
of Thunderbird and also between the Linux Thunderbird's Import and
Export features.

When I was creating the Vinux Wiki page:

   How to Import and Export in Firefox and Thunderbird

I noticed some differences.

In the Linux Import of the Address Book there is a list of the three
file types:
   ldif, comma separated and tab delimited.

But In the Linux Export of the Address Book there is no list and
ldif seems to be the default.

In the Windows Thunderbird both the Import and Export of the Address
Book allows for selecting these three file types.

I assume that the Linux version is secondary to the Windows version so some
features will lag behind in the Linux version.

If you find out how to do it, let me know so that I can update the Vinux
Wiki page.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Holmes"
<steve holmes88 gmail com>
To: "Orca E-mail List"<orca-list gnome org>
Sent: 24 December, 2010 3:58 AM
Subject: [orca-list] Thunderbird Address Book and Exporting

I'm trying to export my thunderbird address book into a .CSV file but I cannot find the file type choices in the export dialog. Can anyone else
verify this being a problem?

The steps to follow are like this:

1. Get into thunderbird and choose address book from the tools menu.
Shift-Ctrl+b ot to do it easily enough.

2. Navigate to an address book with some entries in it. The one created
by all your sent e-mails should have some entries in it.

3. Go to the Export dialog by choosing Tools / Export from the menus.

At this point, you should be in a dialog for saving files and the current focus will be in the file name text box which accepts auto completion.
Pressing Ctrl+Tab should move you out of that control.  Keep tabbing
around and listen for anything to do with file types. In my case, I can't
find any.  Can any of you find anything?

When I am in the Windows version of Thunderbird, I do find a file types combo showing 3 types of output. The current default is ldiff and I don't
wanna use that format.

In the meantime, I have filed a bug in the Mozilla site
explaining that I cannot find the file types option anywhere on this
dialog.  I am using Thunderbird 3.1.7 on both Linux and Windows.

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