Re: [orca-list] Firefox 4.0RC2 initially inaccessible to orca

Hi Halim.

On Thu, 2011-03-24 at 17:10 +0100, Halim Sahin wrote:
On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 08:45:35AM -0400, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
It is my understanding that at least several distros will not be making
the switch to AT-SPI2 in their upcoming release. Please push it.

Are they going to use at-spi-corba  with gnome 3?

Did I say that? All I said is that distros will not be making the switch
to AT-SPI2 in the upcoming release. As a result, that means there will
be many users with "the lastest" version of their distro still unable to
have access to much-needed information. This will also apply to people
using GNOME at work (i.e. and might not have any control over what
version they use, but might be able to convince a sysadmin to install a
much-needed accessibility fix so that they can work more effectively).

If so please don't support such broken approaches.
by pushing fixes for deprecated software.

I totally hear what you are saying. And I'd agree with you -- if it were
not for the fact that such a decision means that users who are unable
(due to technical skills or workplace constraints) to upgrade to AT-SPI2
will also be unable to access much-needed information. Instead, I think
the approach should be to encourage people who can upgrade to upgrade.

At-spi2 should be the used technolgy for gnome 3.

I suspect it will be. Again, I never said it would not.

If they want to use gnome2.32 they should get the needed fixes.

And here is where we differ I'm afraid. I'm sorry.

Please let's support the switch to at-spi2 alltogether.

Please let's support the user first and foremost. And then the code.
That means testing and using AT-SPI2 if we can, but not expecting
everyone else to do the same immediately.

Just my opinion.

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