Re: [orca-list] OT: SMart Phones

A list like the blind phones mailing list would probably get you more
information. The info for that list is at

I myself use Talks on a Symbian phone, and I'm happy with that
combination for now. I've been watching the options from Apple and
Google though since I may be considering one of those platforms when I
decide to upgrade my current phone.

Your iPhone is going to give you more polished accessibility out of the
box, but you aren't going to have as many choices of carriers and hand
sets though. BTW, where are you located and what carrier are you with?
With an Android phone, for example, you could get one with a querty
keyboard instead of just a touch screen. I've heard that if your
relatively tech savvy and patient, you can get everything you want out
of an Android phone, but like I said, the iPhone will give you more
accessibility out of the box then you'll get from Android.

On Android, in addition to the open source screen readers, Talk Back and
Spiel, there's also Mobile Accessibility from code Factory. In addition
to a screen reader, you also  get about a dozen applications that will
work well with the screen reader. These include an email client and web
browser. If you're using Talk Back or Spiel, you'll have to get an
accessible  3rd party email client and web browser. Mobile Accessibility
costs $99. Also, not every Android phone will be accessible. Some hand
set makers make changes to Android that negatively impact accessibility,
and I think you still need some kind of tactile pointing device.

I'd suggest you reach out to the blind phones mailing list and include
what you're looking for, such as location, carrier, hand set features
(keyboard or just touch screen) and how you'll be using the phone
(email, web surfing, GPS, and so on). They can provide you with a lot of
information and pointers to blogs, pod casts and other sources of

On 30/07/11 13:30, Tom Masterson wrote:
Hi Folks

I realize this is somewhat off topic but you are a group of tech savvy
folks who have a great amount of knowledge in accessibility issues.

I am looking at the possibility of getting a smart phone.  I am
considering either an Iphone or one of the Android ones.  The question
is which has the better accessibility?  Leaving out the fact that
Android is more open than Apple.  I am tired of paying for phones that I
can only use a small set of the available features on because most are

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