[orca-list] Where am I and Speak child position feature is not working right with desktop icons in GNOME3 fallback mode


If I using GNOME3 with fallback mode, and checked the speak child position check box, Orca doesn't spoken the position index values.
Reproducation steps if speak child position check box is enabled:
1. Activate the desktop.
2. After Orca spokened the desktop icon name, always spokening the icon is unselected if you moving desktop icons with arrow keys. The position index value is not spokening, and if you ask where am I output, you will be hear wrong values.
This type two bugs are known issues, or already reported?
If anybody not interesting the next part following debug output parts, close the letter now. :-):-) I see this type problem with modified Oneiric test environment with factory packaged gnome-orca 3.1.3 release.

Now, look some debug.out parts:
First example is a speech generation result if I highlighted for example the Computer icon: generate speech for unfocused app.name='nautilus' name='Computer' role='icon' state='selectable' relations='' (args={'recursing': True, 'priorObj': <Accessible object at 0x14508c0 (AtspiAccessible at 0x1b950e0)>, 'role': <enum ATSPI_ROLE_ICON of type Role>, 'mode': 'speech', 'formatType': 'unfocused'}) using 'newAncestors + newRowHeader + newColumnHeader + newRadioButtonGroup + labelAndName + imageDescription + roleName + pause + positionInList + newNodeLevel + unselectedCell + (tutorial and (pause + tutorial) or [])'
labelAndName=['Computer', {u'average-pitch': 3.0, u'rate': 80.0, u'gain': 10.0, u'family': {u'locale': u'hu', u'name': u'hungarian'}}]
roleName=['icon', {}]
pause=[<orca.speech_generator.Pause instance at 0x12a0fc8>]
unselectedCell=['not selected', {}]
GENERATOR: _getTutorialForLayeredPane
           obj             = Icon View
           role            = layered-pane
           alreadyFocused  = False
GENERATOR: _getTutorialForIcon
           obj             = Computer
           role            = icon
           alreadyFocused  = False
GENERATOR: getTutorial
           obj             = Computer
           role            = icon
           alreadyFocused  = False
generate speech results:
{u'average-pitch': 3.0, u'rate': 80.0, u'gain': 10.0, u'family': {u'locale': u'hu', u'name': u'hungarian'}}
  <orca.speech_generator.Pause instance at 0x12a0fc8>
  not selected
  <orca.speech_generator.Pause instance at 0x12a0fc8>

SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Computer icon.'
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'not selected.'
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT focus: ^^^^^


vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:selection-changed vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:selection-changed                 detail=(0,0,0)

2. Look what where am I output spokening Orca if I moving for example the Install Ubuntu 10.10 icon: generate speech for basicWhereAmI app.name='nautilus' name='Install Ubuntu 11.10' role='icon' state='selectable' relations='' (args={'forceList': True, 'formatType': 'basicWhereAmI', 'role': <enum ATSPI_ROLE_ICON of type Role>, 'mode': 'speech', 'forceMnemonic': True, 'alreadyFocused': True, 'forceTutorial': True, 'recursing': True}) using 'toolbar + parentRoleName + pause + labelAndName + pause + selectedItemCount + pause + (tutorial and (pause + tutorial) or []) + description'
parentRoleName=['Icon panel']
pause=[<orca.speech_generator.Pause instance at 0x12a0fc8>]
labelAndName=['Install Ubuntu 11.10', {u'average-pitch': 3.0, u'rate': 80.0, u'gain': 10.0, u'family': {u'locale': u'hu', u'name': u'hungarian'}}]
selectedItemCount=['0 of 5 items selected', {}, 'on 0 of 5', {}]
GENERATOR: _getTutorialForLayeredPane
           obj             = Icon View
           role            = layered-pane
           alreadyFocused  = True
(To move to items, use either the arrow keys or type ahead searching.)
               (To get to the system menus press the alt+f1 key.)
GENERATOR: _getTutorialForIcon
           obj             = Install Ubuntu 11.10
           role            = icon
           alreadyFocused  = True
(To move to items, use either the arrow keys or type ahead searching.)
               (To get to the system menus press the alt+f1 key.)
GENERATOR: getTutorial
           obj             = Install Ubuntu 11.10
           role            = icon
           alreadyFocused  = True
(To move to items, use either the arrow keys or type ahead searching. To get to the system menus press the alt+f1 key.)
Finding top-level object for source.name=Desktop
GENERATOR: _getTutorialForFrame
           obj             = Desktop
           role            = frame
           alreadyFocused  = True
GENERATOR: getTutorial
           obj             = Desktop
           role            = frame
           alreadyFocused  = True
tutorial=['To move to items, use either the arrow keys or type ahead searching. To get to the system menus press the alt+f1 key.', '', {}]
generate speech results:
  Icon panel
  <orca.speech_generator.Pause instance at 0x12a0fc8>
  Install Ubuntu 11.10
{u'average-pitch': 3.0, u'rate': 80.0, u'gain': 10.0, u'family': {u'locale': u'hu', u'name': u'hungarian'}}
  <orca.speech_generator.Pause instance at 0x12a0fc8>
  0 of 5 items selected
  on 0 of 5
  <orca.speech_generator.Pause instance at 0x12a0fc8>
  <orca.speech_generator.Pause instance at 0x12a0fc8>
To move to items, use either the arrow keys or type ahead searching. To get to the system menus press the alt+f1 key.

SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Icon panel.'
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Install Ubuntu 11.10.'
SPEECH OUTPUT: '0 of 5 items selected on 0 of 5.'
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'To move to items, use either the arrow keys or type ahead searching. To get to the system menus press the alt+f1 key.' ^^^^^ PROCESS <ENUM ATSPI_KEY_PRESSED_EVENT OF TYPE EVENTTYPE> 'Return' (36) ^^^^^

If this type problem is not already reported, and this type problem is Orca related problems, I welcome doing the report and attaching the full debug.out file.


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