Re: [orca-list] switching speech language frequently

Hello list,
This is a very important topic, and I hope it can be given attention.
I'm Italian, and I use at leasti six languages regularly.
I keep english as my default language in Linux, but I need to read documents in Italian, German, Frenh, Russian, Finnish, Spanish, Finnish, and sometimes Hebrew. I end up using Windoes most of the time, because of the difficulty I have changing language in Orca.
It would be great if the operation could be made easier.

At 12:07 12/07/2011, rj wrote:

Hi all,

I have to switch the language orca speaks to me very often between
dutch, english, german and french.

To do this you have to go to Orca Preferences, select the Speech tab
then choose the box "Person", change that to the language you want, move
up to the box "Voice Settings" change it to 'hyperlink' move back to
'Person" and change that too to the language you want, do Alt+o press
spacebar, and wait a sec.

If you are living in more than one language (as most non english
speaking people will have to when moving around on the internet) you
have to do this very often.
Would it be possicble to make a script to switch between langauages with
a single key combination ?

Without orca it would be very difficult for me to use Linux.

the question has been posted before by someone else:
But I can't find any answers or solutions yet.


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