Re: [orca-list] (RFC) speaking position in XUL menus


Trev, I think you are full right this changed position index values mean this menues are have a group.
Look for example if you reply a message the file menu items.
The first two menu item is new and attachment.
The second group two menu item is related with save (save and save as).
The third menu group related with the message sending, etc.
If the position index value is 1 of 1, this is mean the actual menu item is not have any menu group, this is a single menu item. I hopefuly understand right this new values meaning. Not possible restore original position index calculation only with pyatspi.ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM, pyatspi.ROLE_MENU_ITEM, pyatspi.ROLE_RADIO_MENU_ITEM, pyatspi.ROLE_TEAROFF_MENU_ITEM, and pyatspi.ROLE_MENU? If not, I think have possible choosing ways, possible I am not known all fix ways: 1. If the users not disturb this new changed values, we keep this method with menues and menu items, because this change need with correct spokening of position index value with message list. 2. Need inserting this object related formatting values with src/orca/script/toolkits/Gecko/ file without positionindex value. We lost the menu related now incorrect position index values if we choosing this way.
I not tested yet this fix way, but trying.
This is the last way fix if not have another way.


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