Re: [orca-list] I see some interesting Orca freezing with I don't possible reproducing always

Hey guys.

On 01/20/2011 03:34 PM, Storm Dragon wrote:
this mostly happens for me in Evolution. I have been trying for a
debug.out but it seems to only happen when I am not in debug mode lol.

That's how it always is. For this reason I am *always* in full debug mode. Let's me sneak up the bugs. <grin>

All joking aside, I tried and tried to reproduce it, and actually could reproduce it, but only once: I quit Accerciser and nothing had focus (even though there were other windows open and not minimized). I don't know if that's key or not. I will keep trying. It would be good if y'all could as well.

Note to Steve, whose message I just saw: This isn't related to your OOo woes I don't think. If something hangs/crashes an app, all bets are off. This seems to be Orca not being happy after an app has been quit normally.

For what it's worth, one of the things I did in this last refactor -- aside from rewriting a bunch of code -- is eliminate some pretty large try blocks that were swallowing up potentially all sorts of errors, and doing so in some cases without a debug statement telling us what went wrong. So I'm not surprised we're seeing tracebacks now -- we easily could have been seeing the very same thing before and just never realizing it.

Note to Attila, whose smiley-faced comment I saw regarding you knowing that unstable means unstable. <grins> I don't mind reports. Ever, really. But given our time difference, you always seem to luck out and catch a bug during your morning testing when I'm doing some late night hacking. If, say, less than an hour has passed, given me a few more. If, say, 5 hours have passed and you've not seen a new commit or an announcement on the list, we are no longer in the "unstable means unstable" phase, and I want a report because in that case I'm not aware of the problem. I don't go to bed if I have introduced a serious bug and know about it. And if it's during the day, I tell y'all. Fair enough? <smiles>

Thanks guys! I really appreciate your living on the edge with master. Let's nail these issues in time for 2.91.6.

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