Re: [orca-list] Installing different flavors of unix

Andy B <sonfire11 gmail com> wrote:
I am in the need for step-by-step instructions on installing the following
versions of *nix. I will need these environments for some of my IT classes
in next year's session of my associates program. All of the flavors of *nix
below will need to have gnome 3.x and later, have "blindness profiles" used
for installation and everyday use, and (of course) accessible installation
instructions for VMWare player. Here are the Oss needed:


1.       Ubuntu (already have it)

2.       Deebian

You'll need to use Debian Unstable (also known as Sid) and wait a little for
the developers to finish the gnome 3.2 and AT-SPI 2 transition, unless you
want to run a stable release with Gnome 2.x contrary to your requirement

3.       Arch linux

Yes, and there are Arch users on this list.

4.       Fedora

I think there are people who have it working with Gnome 3 and Orca now,
although there have been problems reported on the list.

5.       RedHat enterprise Linux

I think they're still using Gnome 2.x, but I might be wrong. Remember that the
"enterprise" distributions emphasize reliability and therefore move to major
software upgrades much more slowly than other distributions.

6.       FreeBSD

I don't know. I doubt that it has been thoroughly tested even if it compiles
and runs.

You should be able to access a FreeBSD system over ssh from a Linux machine,

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