[orca-list] GNOME Accessibility Testimonials

Hello, everyone.

It was suggested to me on the gnome-accessibility mailing list that a Testimonials page on the GNOME Accessibility Wiki would be a great idea. I am not completely experienced in designing Wikis and such, but I am learning. I feel that this would be a great idea, and so I am writing to members here on the Orca list for your input.

My idea for this page is as follows (in brief):

The page would be, in a sense, a way to promote free desktops. It would include testimonials from users who rely on the accessibility features and applications which come with GNOME, such as Orca and the Zoom feature. This page would include pictures of uses (optional) as well as the testimonials mentioned above, and these would be published under a free license.

Thee is no general format required for a testimonial, but just to be of aid some of the following points may be helpful in forming one:

-List your disability, if applicable
-Your technical background (e.g. operating systems you have used, computer experience, etc) -How you use GNOME (i.e. what accessibility component, if any, do you use in order to use your system)

I am still quite new to all of this, but I want to contribute in some way, and I feel that this is one way in which I can do so.

Since this thread is not completely related to Orca in general I think that, for persons interested, it would be best to continue further communications about this topic off-list unless otherwise stated by a list administrator as I do not wish to distract away from other topics.

If you are interested in adding your testimonial to the page when it is created, please write to me off-list. Also, if you have any suggestions or input I would definitely be open to it.

I wish you all the best, and thank you very much for any help and input on this.

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