Re: [orca-list] Question about at-spi and at-spi2

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 12:13:52PM +0100, Michael Whapples wrote:
I have started to work on getting the archlinux accessibility
packages corrected for gnome 3.0. This required pyatspi to be
packaged, however I think it may cause a conflict with
at-spi-1.32.0. The at-spi-1.32.0 package on archlinux includes the
python bindings for at-spi.

Looking through the file lists for the at-spi package and the
pyatspi package I think there are some files which appear in both
packages. My question is, can at-spi and at-spi2 with pyatspi
coexist on a system or should they be seen as a conflict? If they
can coexist on the same system, which python bindings should take
priority? IE. Should the python bindings in the at-spi package be
removed and just pyatspi be installed?

As a packager for a distro you probably want to have the at-spi2
packages conflict with the at-spi ones.  Making the two coexist on a
system can be done, but it involves keeping everything at-spi2 or at-spi
related out of the normal paths, and then making them first in the path
when you want to run the alternate one with a bunch of enviroment
variables.  I do this for development purposes, and I think part of my
.fluxbox/startup file will explain what happens better than I can.
However I can think of a reasonable way to have this work with packages.

# what version of at-spi to use

if [ $at_spi_version != "2" ]
# if we are using at-spi
/usr/lib/at-spi/at-spi-registryd &

# for at-spi2
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib/
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
export PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH
export GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/opt/lib/girepository-1.0/
export GTK_PATH=/opt/lib/gtk-2.0/
export AT_SPI_VERSION="2"
#/opt/libexec/at-spi2-registryd &


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