Re: [orca-list] Orca and gnome 3

On -10/01/37 20:59, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Jacob, all.

Some applications not appearing/emitting events is a known issue. And I
hope to diagnose and fix it soon.

Hopefully this can be fixed soon as this for me at least is probably the biggest issue facing orca with gnome 3.0 currently. Unfortunately until this is sorted, I don't really gnome 3.0 is ready for use and I just hope archlinux don't decide to move it into the standard repository until this sort of stuff is sorted.
There were known issues related to starting and stopping of Orca. I
*believe* I've got all of those fixed, though I plan to do additional
testing. Unfortunately, those changes required a bunch of testing to be
sure they were safe. By the time I had fully tested them and requested
code freeze break, I did not get the required number of approvals from
the Release Team. That was my fault. Regardless, the result is that I
was not allowed to commit the needed changes until code freeze was
lifted. Thus the 3.0.0 release of Orca was out the door, and then the
fixes committed.

As I said I haven't really had issues with orca starting or stopping. May be its one of those timing things and I may just be fortunate with the computer I have tried it on.
So in order to get the most likely chance of success with GNOME 3.0 at
the moment (notice that I didn't say "full success"), you'll want to
have the latest Orca **from the gnome-3-0 branch**. In this particular
case, you do *not* want Orca from master. There are enough differences
in what we need to do for GNOME 3 compared to other environments that if
it's specifically related to GNOME 3, it's only going into the branch
*for now*. As things settle down, Ale and I will find a way to have a
single Orca which happily lives in whatever environment you choose to

Shame the fixes couldn't make the release as that is what the distributions ship with. For archlinux, may be 
we need to look at a AUR orca-3-git package to follow the 3.0 branch.

As for finding a solution for a single orca, sure that is possible as python can do so much at runtime, conditionally importing, etc. Is the main problem detecting what the user is running?

Michael Whapples

Take care.

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