Re: [orca-list] Speech Dispatch vs OpenTTS

I'm replying back to the list to see if anyone else has noticed this
problem.  To answer your question though, I have not experienced any
problems with OpenTTS on my box with Orca.  I have noticed an
occasional issue with Firefox but I just figured that was Firefox and
Orca's tribulations.  In general, I've been using Orca with OpenTTS
for over a week now without any losses of speech.  I've been able to
apply for jobs, file unemployment claims and order music from an
online service, all using Firefox, Orca and OpenTTS.

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 08:36:17PM -0400, Jacob Schmude wrote:
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Hi Steve
Have you been able to get the Orca Open TTS support working reliably? It
doesn't want to work for me. Most of the time when I select it I get no
speech, and the few times I did, certain items such as lines of pure
text in Firefox wouldn't talk. I have Open TTS itself working and have
for some time, otts-say and ospeakup work without an issue. Orca though,
doesn't seem to like it much. I made sure speech dispatcher was killed
and then restarted Orca, but it's still not working properly.
I'm not getting any tracebacks or anything odd in debugging output. Orca
believes it's working, and will even respawn openttsd if I kill it so it
is communicating, but it's just not speaking. I've tried the espeak and
ibmtts modules so far, with identical results.

On 05/28/2010 07:33 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
Now that OpenTTS support has been merged into git master, it is now
available to all those who wish to try OpenTTS with orca without
having to apply patches and the loke.  This brings up an opinion I
wish to express.  

At this point in time, Orca supports access to two similar speech
engines - Speech Dispatcher and its forked clone, OpenTTS.  The
reasons for forking and creating a clone belong to a separate thread.
the supporting modules for these speech systems are presently mere
copies of the other except for names.  However, this could change in
the future if / when OpenTTS moves out and possibly adopt new
features, standards or whatever.  For that reason, I have strong
reservations about combining or merging the Speech Dispatcher and
OpenTTS speech factory python modules.  They could be merged possibly
now but the common modules, if any, might pin OpenTTS down to
limitations of Speech Dispatcher or even visaversa.  So for the time
being, it means having to support two speech modules if a change
should occur requiring updates to the factory modules.  Let me go on
record now, saying that I will be willing to watch over the Speech
Dispatcher and OpenTTS factory modules and try to keep them current
with one another until one of them has unique features not supported
by the other.  Obviously at that time, each module would need to be
more on its own, enjoying separate support.

I hope noone minds too badly having two speech systems nearly
parallels of each other but this gives people a choice and flexibility
for future changes.  Just an aside, the OpenTTS develpers have managed
to correct numerous memory leakes and other critical stability fixes.
That alone makes me want to use OpenTTS instead.  But for each his or
her own.
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