Re: [orca-list] I need help

Hey JosÃ.

The way I see things I was thinking that each line was a different object.

With some apps, that's exactly how it is. For example, Evolution (and I
believe anything using GtkHtml) does just that. In OOo Writer, you get a
new object after each newline character you insert. On the other hand,
in Gedit (and Eclipse) you have one big ol' object.

One of the clues that Eclipse does not make each line a different object
can be found in the values of detail1 from the debug.out info you posted
the other day. For an object:text-caret-moved event, you should expect
detail1 to contain the new caretOffset within the object. If you have
detail1 values in the 900's and 1000's (which you did), odds are that
each line is not a different object. <smile>

Thanks again.

You bet! Thanks for you interest and work on this.

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