Re: [orca-list] Inviting GNOME to participate at an accessibility event

Hi all,

Thanks for forwarding this on Stormy!

To echo Stormy, we would love to have a significant GNOME accessibility end-user and developer presence at the AEGIS conference in Seville October 6-8.  GNOME accessibility is a key facet of AEGIS, with direct contributions to GNOME Shell magnification, Bonobo deprecation, GNOME accessibility testing coming from AEGIS (as well as indirect contributions through accessibility work on, Firefox, and OpenGazer, among others). 

We are also hoping to put together a GNOME Accessibility Hackfest at one or the other end of the conference.  I hope to have more details soon on that, and then later more still when we publish the detailed conference agenda.


Peter Korn
Accessibility Principal
AEGIS Technical Manager

It would be great to have GNOME a11y work well represented at this conference.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <frotri otenet gr>
Date: Mon, May 17, 2010 at 12:16 PM
Subject: Event: Access for All in the desktop, web and mobile field: an end-user and developer perspective
To: info guadec org

Dear colleague,

We would like to kindly invite you to the 2nd Pan-European Workshop/User Forum and the 1st International ÆGIS Conference entitled “Access for All in the desktop, web and mobile field: an end-user and developer perspective” which will take place in Seville, Spain on 6 and 7-8 October 2010 respectively. For the dedicated developers, a free developer camp (clinic) will take place on the 9th of October 2010. All events are organised by the ÆGIS IP initiative (Open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards -, partially funded under FP7 (Theme: ICT&#8208;2007.7.1; ICT & Ageing).

With an estimated total population of 501 million (, 1 January 2010), an estimated 45 million people in Europe have a LSHPD (long-standing health problem or disability). A mere 20-30% are believed to use Assistive Technology (AT), but concrete figures do not exist. In fact, most people with disabilities are not even aware of what AT exists. This workshop and conference aims to help spread the word on the existence of AT, and especially on technology that is freely available.

The Workshop/User Forum aims to bring together end-users and experts in the field of assistive technologies, from both the OSS community as well as the proprietary one, that focus on the accessibility of desktop, web and mobile applications. During the workshop the project will present the tools developed so far, and will stimulate discussions between both end-users and application developers vis-à-vis the project’s outcomes so far. The outcomes will be taken into account by the Consortium during the further course of the project. Participation to the workshop will be free of charge.

The conference aims to gather presenters that address both the end-users as well as the developers’ perspective in a number of areas (see topics below). Interactive demos of Assistive Technology ICT, in the Rich Internet Applications, Desktop Applications and Mobile Applications areas as well as developers’ tools that embed accessibility plug-ins will also be demonstrated in a separate exhibition area.

The participation fee will be €150 for researchers, €50 for students and people with disabilities and free for personal assistants.

In addition, an exhibition space will be provided as well which will be open throughout the conference duration. The fee for exhibitors will be € 300.

The registration form for each of the aforementioned events will be available shortly via the project’s website (

We kindly invite you and your colleagues to submit papers in the following categories:

   * Scientific papers
   * Technical papers

Conference topics (non-exhaustive list):

   * Accessible desktop applications (AT, developer tools and accessible applications)
   * Accessible mobile applications (AT, developer tools and accessible applications)
   * Accessible Rich Internet Applications (AT, developer tools and accessible applications)
   * Accessibility and Standardisation (e.g. ISO, eInclusion, Policies, Legislation)
   * Accessibility and Usability (e.g. Design for All)
   * Accessibility research (e.g. Assistive technology usage by end-users and their satisfaction, innovative AT training via accessible e-learning)

Important dates:

   * Abstract submission: 28th May 2010
   * Notification of abstracts acceptance: 14th June 2010
   * Submission of external exhibitions by 30th June 2010
   * Paper submission deadline: 9th July 2010
   * Notification of acceptance and outcome of review process: 23rd July 2010
   * Final camera ready papers: 31st August 2010
   * Registration by 30th September 2010

Abstracts submission:
Abstracts submitted in the context of one of the above topics should not exceed 500 words. The title, authors and their contact and affiliation details (authors’ email address, telephone and fax number and affiliation name and address) as well as keywords (up to five) should be included.

Under the title of your abstract, please quote the relevant conference topic. We would strongly recommend you to propose more than one conference topics, if applicable, quoting them in priority order.

Authors who are unable to provide an electronic version or have other circumstances that prevent such submission must contact us ( info aegis-project eu) prior to submission to discuss alternative options.

Abstracts should be submitted to info aegis-project eu. You need _javascript_ enabled to view it by 28th May 2010.

Submission declaration:
Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the copyright-holder.

Any manuscript not complying with the above requirements will not be accepted.

Abstracts and camera-ready papers as well as exhibition applications will be reviewed by the ÆGIS Scientific Committee.  The final versions of the accepted camera-ready papers will be published and will be made available during the conference. The authors of each accepted submission are required to give a presentation at the conference.

In addition, the authors of the accepted technical papers, will be invited to publish their software in the Open Source Community.

Looking forward to meet you and welcome you to our Community!

Kind Regards,

Organisation Committee

Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris
Research Director
ÆGIS IP Coordinator

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Hellenic Institute of Transport
6th km. Charilaou- Thermi Road
57001 Thermi
Tel. +30-2310-498265
Fax. +30-2310-498269

Athens office:
17 Posidonos Av.
17455 Alimos
Tel. +30-210-9853194
Fax. +30-210-9853193

E-mail: abek certh gr This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need _javascript_ enabled to view it

Mr. Jon Azpiroz
AEGIS Project Technical Coordinator for Fundación Vodafone España

Fundación Vodafone España
Avda. Europa,1 Ed. A 3a planta
Parque Empresarial La Moraleja
28108 Madrid
Tel. +34 610 51 60 61
Fax +34 91 825 26 89

Email: jon azpiroz vodafone com

Ms Deborah Goodbody
Head of Research Development, Innovation and Projects

ACE Centre Advisory Trust
92 Windmill Road

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 759822
Fax: +44 (0) 1865 759810

Email: goodbody ace-centre org uk

Mr. Karel Van Isacker
Project Manager

European Platform for Rehabilitation
15, rue de Spa
B-1000 Brussels

Tel. +32 2 736 54 44
Fax +32 2 736 86 22

Email: aegis epr eu

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