[orca-list] Discoverability of double tap key bindings

I have one question about how discoverable some of the multi-tap key bindings really are. OK, looking at some of the existing ones you can see sense in why they are but I am thinking of the case if you were approaching orca totally new. A question would be how do you know whether there is a double/triple tap on a given key? Why would that function be there and not else where (eg. why would status bar be the double tap of title bar, why wouldn't it be elsewhere or why wouldn't we just add a modifier).

OK, that's my take on the problem how would I suggest fixing it?

I notice in learn mode orca only announces the key action you do (eg. single tap numpad2 and orca tells you "Speaks current flat review character", to hear the double tap and triple tap bindings you must do those actions). May be orca could alert the user to the double/triple tap bindings on a key when they press it (eg. it could be if you tap numpad2 orca might say "Speaks current flat review character. Has double and triple tap bindings") or it may even tell you what the multi-tap bindings are (eg. single tap of numpad2 in learn mode may give "Speaks current flat review character, double tap phonetically speaks current flat review character and triple tap speaks unicode value of the current flat review character").

What do others think? Do newcomers use learn mode to find key bindings? Speaking personally, I am not fully sure how I learnt the orca key bindings. The one thing which may have helped me is that flat review sort of resembles the speakup review keys and speakup uses multi-tap in a similar way.

Michael Whapples

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