[orca-list] You known Orca supported accessible RSS feed reader?

Dear List,

I would like search a good accessible RSS feed reader with Orca support.
I try following applications:
1. Firefox builtin live region support:
The matter is following with this way:
In bookmark toolbar only the news titles is present, but impossible read short description for example a news (<description> object field).

2. Thunderbird 3.0: Works correct, but the problem is following:
When I subscribe an RSS feed and click a new news, Thunderbird download entire webpage, not showing only the title, the short description and the guide link with full news. When I checked the "message vindow" menu with view main menu, the short description is displayed when I press six Tab or four Shift+tab key, but this is difficulter if I get for example 46 news/channel, and I don't no now have a shortcut key to spokening this information or not easyest. :-):-)

3. Liferea: the main table (title list) is good usable, but when I press a tab key if I select a news, Orca spokening only the "Html content" message.

You known another good usable RSS reader application?
Now, I wroted a small Python script with downloading my favorite RSS channels and put the title and description entries with a formatted html file and displaying the generated html file with Firefox. I formatted the title field with <h2><a href="..." attribute, and put original news link. If not have another way, In future, I would like write a small orca-customizations.py file to process file setted channel with this form, and associated the five channel with Orca+Shift+1...5 key bindings.
My script possible working following in the future:
If any script user pressing one time the Orca+Shift+1 keybinding command, Orca only spokening the first two news title and news description with the first channel, but does'nt display the two news with Firefox, this function purpose only detect have new news with the first channel or not. If any script user press two time quickly for example the Orca+Shift+1 keybinding, the first setted RSS channel will be entire processed, and will be displaying the Firefox. I using this purpose with firefox and formatted html output, because easyest the navigation.

I will be apply a configuration file with the future script will be use. This file is very simple, containing only 5 line (the 5 RSS channel url).
Sorry my bad english.

If I ready the script and anybody would like to use, feel free to write me an e-mail and I sending. Of course, if you known have good accessible RSS reader software with working good with Orca, the script is not needed.


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