Re: [orca-list] Sorry for that little miss-understanding

Dear Keith,

You dont strictly need to learn python, just by using Orca every day, and 
trying to do every day tasks, and reporting back when there are issues 
either on the mailing list or on bugzilla, is a great help.

As another Orca community developer (in my free time), I would like to say 
that we would love to have a few people responsible for the documentation, 
and making sure that everything is correct and up to date.

We all have diffrent strengths, and to maximize the success of the 
project, we need to use the various skills that the community has. So I 
would encourage you and anyone else to invest a few hrs a week on updating 
the wiki for example.

Realizing that even the smallest thing that we do as individuals, as long 
as it is feeding back to the community will grow to something beautiful 
and useful, is the important issue.

Looking forward to your, and other members contributions.

On Mon 07/06/2010 at 17:24:37, Keith Hinton wrote:
Hi to all,
sorry for that little missunderstanding. ;)
As to fixing bugs in such:
If time permits I will-I'd need to learn Python first. ;)
Some of the best bugs I'm good at finding are documentation typos. :)
Orca has been an extremely interesting project: and I feel that it
will only get better as time goes on.
Thanks. :)

Regards, --Keith
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