[orca-list] sight village

Hi, Folks

I was wondering if anyone had any plans to exhibit Orca in all its glory 
at Sight village. (13-15 July)

It would be a definate boost, and it might get some attension from 
possible funders, once they see how good it is, and that 
Linux/open solaris isnt scary.

Showing that braille is a question of plug and play, thanks to brltty 
(unlike the windows world), and we have magnification, and speech all 
out of the box.

It would be good to give people a chanse to play around with general 
office/internet browsing/email applications and any other thing that 
they might be intrested in, and of course give them a cd to try it at 

Question is, who could fund this, and who might be willing to go?

People from the Vinux team, I assume some of you are in the UK?
As for myself, I am in Bath.



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