Re: [orca-list] how to advance a certain amount of lines when accessing a page

Steve Holmes <steve holmes88 gmail com> wrote:
Frankly, I haven't found it to be very helpful.  I love it when page
designers keep using the h1 thru h6 markup.  Unfortunately, a good
many sites are not using this markup.  One thing that would be really
nice though is to be able to prefix these structural navigation
commands with a number of times to be applied.  I have some bank
statements here where I need to hit the t (table) key 12 times to get
to the right section.  It would be nice to be able to type '12t'
instead but due to the numbers being assigned to the specific header
levels, I'm not sure how we could tackle this one.

Ultimately, the solution might be to make Vimperator or a similar extension
accessible, possibly adapting it as required. It's based on the Vim command

As to solving your problem within the existing structure, alt-1 through alt-9
could begin a number, which is then taken by the next command as the number of
repetitions. emacs does this similarly.

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