[orca-list] irish speech synthesizer

I found a good Irish speech synthesizer that reads Gaelic. Unfortnately you can only use it online.
It would be cool if ESpeak could read Gaelic. It might not sound like this synthesizer but at least it would be something.
Josh Kennedy jkenn337 gmail com
my blog is at http://jkenn337.klangoblog.net (updated frequently). Tired of Microsoft Windows and paying thousands for screen-readers? try out NVDA, get a mac--, nvda--for Windows, or try out and switch to grml, Ubuntu, Vinux, or knoppix-adriane Linux desktops. Knoppix ubuntu and vinux-cli-max are the most accessible for beginners. also try vinux-gui and encourage those at www.cherrypal.com to use windows-xp and nvda knoppix-adriane Vinux-cli-max or grml so all blind people can have an accessible computer.

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