Re: [orca-list] help building at-spiHi,

>You also get this message from configure if you have the head binary from textutils instead of coreutils package. I have not installed coreutils myself for various reasons so I open the configure script in an editor and search for "head -1", not including the quotes of course. I then change the occurrence of "head -1" to "head -n1" and save configure script and rerun it. This makes it find the intltool.
>Hope this helps!

I looked in configure, but could not find "head -1" (I also looked for "header -1" an "headers -1").  I found the section that sets the intltool version to 0.40.0 and contemplated manually re-setting it to 0.37.0, but decided that would most likely generate more complicated issues further on.

Are there major issues that I sould be concerned reguarding coreutils?  If I installed corutils  would that work?

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