Re: [orca-list] A proposal to get involved...

On Friday 26 February 2010 08:24 PM, Sasikumar (ààà/ààà) M wrote:

I am new to the mailing list - but not to Orca or the open source movement. Some of my team members have been following the traffic, and they alerted me about some unfortunate developments wrt Orca, and hence thought of coming online directly.

Welcome Sasi.
I recall Mr Jaijit refered your name to me when he was working with Sun (India). He was telling me that you might be interested to get involved in Orca some day.

At CDAC Mumbai (old NCST, for those who may remember), we are working in the area of accessibility. We have been interested in this for a while. We built a predictive engine called Anumaan, now available as open source. We have worked with Gnome Accessibility framework, and are now looking at the D-bus architecture. We are not restricting to Visual problems - but looking at wider scope covering cognitive and other physical issues. Orca itself is a direct focus in the group. We have done some significant analysis (independently) from the accessibility perspective, trying to take it beyond being just a 'screen reader'. This has given us a list of todos for Orca. We are looking at ways on how to take this forward.
Can you provide the list of "todos" so that the members of this community and particularly the developers on this mailing list can help out? It is great that you are having a wishlist or some thing, but hackers are what we currently need to take this free software based screen reader ahead. We need people who can script orca and enhance its already existing modules. It should also be noted that as wil rightly said, we must also know to read and understand code belonging to other softwares for which accessibility is being implemented.

As of now, we are not that familiar with the Orca code base - but that is something ahead in the path for us anyway. In terms of resources, of course, what we have is limited. But it is part of a government funded project, and hence committed. We see an involvement with Orca at least for

What kind of contributions can be expected from your side?
As you know I am very active in promotion of Orca In India, specially in the south. I have been involved in trainning on harge scale. And now since wil gave me some important inputs of scripting orca, I will start contributing from that end as well.

It will be nice if more team members from your side join this mailing list so we can discuss the todos which you propose to publish.

Happy hacking.

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