Re: [orca-list] An Open Letter to Oracle on the Topic Of Accessibility

On Wednesday 24 February 2010 12:54 AM, Storm Dragon wrote:
I understand where Willie is coming from. Just because they have seemingly took the wrong path with Orca doesn't necessarily mean that they will stop accessibility work in all areas. However, when a company comes in and lays off the lead developer of Orca, not to mention the man who pretty much single-handedly kept Open Solaris one of the most accessible distros, without so much as a word to their reasons why or to the future of those projects, they should expect some harsh backlash.


Will is like the accessibility version of a knight in shining armor, and along comes this evil monster who, unprevoked, attacked our knight. Of course people are gonna be mad as hell.

Totally agreed.
So, if Oracle doesn't like blanket accusations hurled at them, they shouldn't take such foolish actions.

exactly, and that too when you stop such a crutial project, not that it will totally die.

I also understand that Oracle may choose to not cooporate with accessibility work in the future if they are met with such reaction. That is, of course, up to them. It's not like they are the only choice. MySQL is, as far as I can tell, completely accessible. I have had no trouble using phpmyadmin. Of course it's been a while, but I doubt it has changed much, it's a web interface after all. There's also something called postgerSQL or something like that. I don't know how accessible it is, but it is another alternative that may be worth checking in to and premoting if they take accessibility seriously.

I was actually going to refer to postgresql because it is pritty accessible with the psql commandline interface.
And may I say, that Oracle might not die but the development may slow down due to such major dirty dicisions taken by a certain company to stop such funding such an important project.

Happy hacking.

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