Re: [orca-list] Prolems noticed while accessing Gcalctool with Orca.

Hi Dattatray:

Some of the issues you report are Gtk+ issues; others are known issues
that have been fixed or are being worked on. Having said that, please
note that Gcalctool's UI has been modified quite a bit for GNOME
2.29/2.30. For instance, the radio buttons you describe having problems
with no longer exist. If you try the latest Orca with the latest
gcalctool and find issues, please report them in bugzilla.


On Mon, 2010-02-22 at 15:59 +0530, Dattatray Bhat wrote:
While exploring Gcalctool with Orca screen reader, I have noticed the
following remarkable behaviour-

1. Title bar wrongly announced after switching to another mode
Speech output of 'Speak title bar' command depends on the mode in
which Gcalctool was started, and does not reflect a change in mode.
If you start Gcalctool in Basic mode, the output is "Calculator" even
after you switch to Scientific or Financial mode.
If you start it in Scientific mode, the output is "Scientific
Calculator" even after you switch to Financial or Basic mode.
If you start it in Financial mode, the output is "Financial
Calculator" even after you switch to Basic or Scientific mode.

2. Contents of result area announced too many times
When you start Gcalctool, Orca announces contents of result region too
many (12) times, i.e. "Zero.. zero.. zero.. zero.. zero.. zero..
zero.. zero.. zero.. zero.. zero.. zero". When you switch mode, the
contents of result region are announced 4 times. In both cases,
announcing the contents twice should be enough. 

3. Change in numeric base not correctly announced
Orca response to change in numeric base is unpredictable.
When Alt+b (binary)      is pressed, Orca may announce âBin selected
radio buttonâ or âBin not selected radio buttonâ.
When Alt+o (octal)       is pressed, Orca may announce âOct selected
radio buttonâ or âOct not selected radio buttonâ.
When Alt+d (decimal)     is pressed, Orca may announce âDec selected
radio buttonâ or âDec not selected radio buttonâ.
When Alt+x (hexadesimal) is pressed, Orca may announce âHex selected
radio buttonâ or âHex not selected radio buttonâ.

4. Change in display type is not correctly announced
Orca response to change in display type is unpredictable.
When Alt+n (engineering) is pressed, Orca may announce "Eng selected
radio buttonâ or âEng not selected radio buttonâ.
When Alt+f (fixed)       is pressed, Orca may announce "Fix selected
radio buttonâ or âFix not selected radio buttonâ.
When Alt+s (scientific)  is pressed, Orca may announce "Sci selected
radio buttonâ or âSci not selected radio buttonâ.

5. Change in trigonometric type is not correctly announced
Orca response to change in trigonometric type is unpredictable.
When Alt+g (degrees)  is pressed, Orca may announce "Degrees selected
radio buttonâ or âDegrees not selected radio buttonâ.
When Alt+a (gradians) is pressed, Orca may announce "Gradians selected
radio buttonâ or âGradians not selected radio buttonâ.
When Alt+r (radians)  is pressed, Orca may announce "Radians selected
radio buttonâ or âRadians not selected radio buttonâ.

6. Change in accuracy not announced if entered as numerals
'A' activates the accuracy setting. Number of decimal places can be
entered as numeral or selected by up/down arrows. Orca does not
announce number of decimal places if entered as numeral.

7. Trailing zeroes setting not announced
Ctrl+t shows/ hides trailing zeroes. Orca does not announce the change
in settings.

8. Thousands separators setting not announced
Ctrl+k shows/ hides thousands separators. Orca does not announce the
change in settings.

9. Precedence setting not announced
Ctrl+l/ r sets the precedence to L-R/ arithmetic. Orca does not
announce the change in precedence. The change in precedence is
announced only if the status bar is read (Orca+KP_Enter twice). L-R
precedence keeps showing in status bar when computations are
performed. Arithmetic precedence note disappears from status bar as
soon as computations start. 

10. Constants and memory register actions not properly announced
On pressing #, Orca just says "Menu. It should say "Constants menu".
On pressing S, Orca just says "Menu". It should say "Save-to-memory
On pressing Shift+Delete, S Orca just says menu. It should say
"Reset-memory-to-zero menu".
On pressing R, Orca just says "Menu". It should say
"Retrieve-from-memory menu".

11. Operator names not announced when corresponding keys are pressed
When keys C, u, *, /, -, !, M, r, i, ^, @, s are pressed, Orca does
not speak the operator names viz. C(change sign), u (absolute value),
* (times), / (divided by), - (minus), ! (factorial), M (modulus
division), r (reciprocal), i (integer portion), ^ (raised to power), @
(square), s (sqare root).

I could not locate the above problems among the open bugs in products
Gcalctool and Orca on GNOME Bugzilla page. Being a newcomer to Orca, I
request experienced users and developers to guide me on whether to
post these as new bugs.


D V Bhat
OSSD, CDAC Mumbai (Kharghar)
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